Feb 17, 2023
In this episode the Forever Midnight Crew hit up the movie theater to check out M. Night Shyamalan"s newest movie "Knock At The Cabin". The FM3 all agree that they wanna be carried on his shoulders like he carries the movies he has been in lately. As with any Shyamalan flick, our time was split between enjoying it and trying to figure out the twist. Truly a curse now for a man who is a decent filmmaker but will always be assumed to be throwing a curveball. Jef, Josh and Brian then head out of the woods and talk about the weird and wonderful world of Las Vegas for a bit and even get a stinky old DooDoo secret voicemail, So sit back, open your ears and let the soothing sounds of these three ding dongs rattle around in your brain-hole for the next hour and twenty minutes!