Feb 24, 2023
In this episode it is time to celebrate the one and only Jef Overn and his b-day! Since it is Jef's day of birth Josh and Brian by law had to let him pick the movie. Jef finally pulls the trigger on one of his faves, the 1993 psycho kid flick "The Good Son"! Josh and Brian had been dodging this one for years but now...
Feb 17, 2023
In this episode the Forever Midnight Crew hit up the movie theater to check out M. Night Shyamalan"s newest movie "Knock At The Cabin". The FM3 all agree that they wanna be carried on his shoulders like he carries the movies he has been in lately. As with any Shyamalan flick, our time was split between enjoying it...
Feb 2, 2023
In this Episode the FM3 are back in the saddle after some bouts of the rona. Feeling less like zombies now and excited to see each other's faces they talk about what they have been doing the last couple weeks, looking at mummy toes, gettin' all hot and steamy watchin' 80's flicks and trippin' out trying to decipher...